Solar Sonika (Lago di Bolsena)(I) 17/06/99 Patchwork Report

saturday, 3.00 a.m.:

at the meeting point cops were stopping everybody. a big bunch of cars and camions were still in 2 places. other cops were stopping everyone who wanted to go were a pair of sound systems were ready to start. the place was the same of last year. and last year the local government was warried cos teknival was inside a private property. and even if party people has lived together with the locals for more than a week in peace, something wrong somebody stole cars to get back home. they were ready to welcome us. in the morning cops were saying they wouldnt let us make the party in that zone. someone was around the area to look for another place.

ready, go... we began to move to a new place, someone telephoned to someone other saying where to go...

in half an hour we were there. in 2 hours police was there and they said they would kick us out if we didnt want to move.
another hour passed, and someone told us there was another place... police told that their only purpose was to deny the party in the area... ok, let's move to another area.
and here the fun - the pain - the monkey to begin... for 6 hours a long long long tile of cars and weird cyber coaches were moving slowly around toscana moving towards lazio. we thought police was taking us to a place were we could make the party but it wasnt this, some french ppl was going there and they didnt know exactly were the place was... 6 hours of travel, we were all tired, someone like me wasnt sleeping form friday morning and someone else from the day also rained.
at the end we joined the place: a lake near viterbo, in the middle of italy... a little paradise, with beach, the water of the lake was clean. we were all happy.
and I saw a local cop asking to a pair of raver: "Ehi, ... well,... who are you?" cos they couldnt believe all that, we were so many!

saturday 6.00 p.m.:

the first sound system started and party begun. in few hours the place became a kinda interzone, everything became unreal, cars were like a tetris, a puzzle, somewhere the space was bigger and there was a soundsystem playing music. during all night people was arriving, other sound systems, other people, other weirdos... music everywhere kickin ass, people dancing everywhere, the zone was like a blade runner landscape... I have been to other teknivals and I have never seen something big like this time...

sound conspiracy, metek, tomahawk, and listen... this time Acid Drops were there... and everyone was wandering "who are these?"... their music was too big, also other tribes were astonished... they have grown up so well, those guys have been ace.

in the morning rain again. police began to say we could stay there till monday, now its monday and I dunno what it's happening there. weather has been ugly, we had to leave near midday cos we had 600 km to do to go back and someone like me wasnt sleeping from so many hours...
my long day started on friday morning... I went to sleep on sunday night, I was there for 2 days party, and what I found was a long travel with cops and a juice of party lasted one night. then I had to leave and go back to reality...

hope somebody will go on reporting what's happening there...


directly from TeKNiVaL... (thanKs to TeKNology, a portable computer and a GSM):

After expeKted troubles with blueflashinlightzpeople, TeKNo Karovan has established on the quiet of Bolsena laKe STOP rain has NOT stopped muZaK activity STOP energy still increasing STOP brain activity concentrated 24H per day STOP approaching new states of consciousness STOP thanKz to ALL soundsystemz STOP =8)


Dopo vari casini finalmente ci siamo sistemati sul lago di bolsena vicino viterbo; bel posto, paesaggio affascinante.. insomma tutti i presupposti per vivere una settimana da "reve". Musica come d'abitudine anche se ogni tanto mi sembrava di sentire qualche mix di fat boy slim!!!! forse il troppo fumo mi faceva strani scherzi? Non saprei, perplesso cercavo di trovare qualche cosa che mi ricordasse il teknival 1998!!! Poca fortuna i tempi sono cambiati anche qui da noi business is business!!!!

Francamente ci sono rimasto male, tanta gente per un mega raduno che assomigliava piu' ad una sagra (vedi svizzera, berlino) che ad una festa come e' sempre stato. La gente indurita ingurcitava qualsiasi cosa gli passava per le mani, siringhe ne ho viste purtroppo un po' sparse qua e la'. Troppi cani che rompevano i coglioni, molti ragazzini alle prime esperienze con sostanze proibite, gentaglia che cercava di venderti anche il culo, traveller che oramai pensano a farsi soldi per mettere su casa in sardegna.....E poi questi reporters che continuavano fotografare qualsiasi strazio!!! Va bene l'informazione ma cosi' muoiono le feste illegali, tutti possono accedere adesso e cosi' avete distrutto un'idea di liberta'.


viva bertaga!


Hi was saturday morning...ready to go.
First telephon calling... "toscana is full of cops don't move at the moment...we don't where the party will be"
these were the words of a friend of mine involved in the convoy that passes through toscana to land in the lake bolsena beach...

after hours and many calling we finally leave from rome in the evening... in a couple of hours we arrive to bolsena...first surprise...cops and cops.... second surprise... the place was really cool.... all the sound system formed a labirinth with all the trucks and cars parked everywhere...

i loved metek sound system, a wall of speakers,...good music and good atmosphere all the time.....

i did'n like all fucking journalist, photoreporter, and cops walking around sound system and taking photos...

now it's wednesday ..bad news from bolsena a 20 years old guy from rome it's dead in the lake...


lago di bolsena

se un ragazzino di 20 anni puo' morire ad un teknival allora vuol dire che qualcosa non funziona.

mi chiedo quale sia il motivo per cui uno decide di andare ad un rave io lo faccio per tutto quello che ad un rave si trova normalmente poi continuo a sentirmici dentro per giorni e giorni e mi dispiace di essere andato via.
ma a trentuno anni so fino a dove posso arrivare e mi sento al sicuro da tutto evidentemente ognuno deve sentire e sapere sempre dove puo' arrivare e lui non lo sapeva.

pero': quanto conta la musica e quanto contano le "sostanze" per la maggior parte della gente che era, come me, al lago di bolsena?
se il giorno dopo ovunque spuntano siringhe, se bambini dietro i cespugli si iniettano ketamina
se ognuno arriva con il suo carico di mercanzie, se le tribe se i camion servono quasi solo a questo, allora io del rave non ho capito un cazzo: non e' la tekno che ascolto tutto il giorno
non e' la gente senza gli ammennicoli che di solito si porta dietro, non e' l'atmosfera
non e' la totale liberta' di fare o non fare

o forse ci sono arrivato tardi
ci saranno ancora teknival in italia?

io ci saro'?


Aprés avoir galéré comme des chiens pour trouver un endroit pour faire le tekni...people et sounds se sont entassés le long d'un joli lac au centre de l'Italie à 100 kms de l'endroit prévu...

Le premier soir fut pas trop mal..retrouvailles, fiesta, pas mal de monde mais rien de comparable avec ce qui se passe en France... Le matin une sacrée pluie nous est tombé sur la gueule...

A partir de c'est un peu dégradé... plus de cheesee ravers...que les sons, les ravers francais, des anglais et beaucoup de punks italiens destroy... plus de ravers italiens :( mauvais temps....

Lundi....pire que dégun... beaucoup de chépers... emmerdement général...

Nuit de Lundi/mardi .... déluge de pluie...

Mardi...réveil les pieds dans les merdes de chien et autres... l'endroit est devenu une décharge malgré les gens sympas de la municipalité qui nous envoyent un petit camion benne...

pétage de boulard : me faire chier dans la merde c'est pas mon trip...hop je me casse...ciao les copains..

serial anonym

here in italy radios, tv and papers are talkin about the teknival. I am worried.

too much this time.

too many people will know about our existence.

too many ppl will join parties without giving a fuck, just to say that they have been there.

too many people will mean --> it will be easier for cops to find out the place of the party before it begins.

this time a guy has died.

I am worried, I think the rave scene is goin to die as punk did in 1977.


Troppo rumore intorno ad una festa....

I giornalisti non fanno altro che inventare stronzate, e noi passiamo sempre più per una sorta di animali...
Si mormora che il ragazzo morto sia stato ritrovato con una siringa in tasca... ringraziamo i telegiornali.

Ringraziamo anche coloro che hanno devastato il ristorante adiacente...
Non bastava essere accusati di già troppe cose...
Ringraziamo anche i 2 Ragazzi francesi che avevano rubato non ho ben capito cosa e si sono fatti arrestare...

Grazie anche per lo stato pietoso in cui è stato lasciato il luogo, per le siringhe sparse (almeno il buon senso i buttarle)....

Penso che se quest'anno sia stato così difficile svolgere un Tekni in Italia il prossimo anno sarà decisamente impossibile..


Suis arrivé mardi au rancard à la station Esso... plus personne évidemment, mais l'infoline n'a pas été actualisée : pas moyen de savoir où c'est !!! Dans les villes avoisinantes, personne n'a entendu parler du tekos, que des touristes, des bourgeois, des commerçants. J'ai des potes sur place mais pas moyen d'utiliser les portables.

Finalement c'est les carabinieri (gendarmes italiens) qui me donnent l'info !!! petit message donc aux organisateurs : faut donner le lieu sur l'infoline une fois que c'est bon !!!

Une fois sur place, bien content de voir tous les potes, d'en rencontrer de nouveaux et de croiser Jeff ou Ixy. Les travellers anglais sont plus que jamais perchés à la kéta, un mec s'est noyé d'ailleurs en allant dans le lac chéper, et pas un de ses potes pour le secourir.

La musique est excellente, toujours au moins trois sons qui tapent. La nuit est fraiche mais le son est intense. Le tekos est très cosmopolite, on y parle toutes les langues et on en invente de nouvelles.

Toujours un problème cependant : les chiens crèvent les poubelles et chient partout. Le teknival pue par la faute de leurs maîtres qui assurent pas.

La saison des tekos s'annonce chaude, espérons qu'il y aura un minimum de discipline et moins d'individualisme sinon ça risque de partir grave en couille !


C'est un peu dégouté que j'écris... Comment pouvez-vous écrire que tout s'est bien passé ou presque en Italie alors que ce fut la grosse merde de partout...

Des infolines qui marchent quand elles veulent !!! Un lieu trouvé à l'arrache en guise de lieu de rendez-vous !!! Des points de rendez-vous qui changent tout le temps !!! Personne pour assurer le suivi des teufeurs perdus !!! Oser aller faire le Tekni dans une zone géographique en forme de cuvette ... On a eu la pluie c'était évident !!! Ca devait être le seul coin d'Italie ou il pleuvait !!! Aucune organisation contrairement à ce qu'on connait tous en France ou dans les pays de l'est !!!

Etrange absence des tribes et sounds parisiens à la mode en ce moment ( Ou étaient les SAS , Insomniaks, Ultim Atom, 3phasés, LSDF, DFKON, FMR, ADN, Le Petit Peuple, Antinorm 17, etc etc ... ??? Ils avaient tous promis de venir du moins en partie !!!!!! )... En fait c'était le Tekni le plus pourri qu'on ait vu depuis très très longtemps !!! Ca ne mérite même pas le nom de Tekni tellement c'était une honte et encore je ne raconte pas tout !!! Il faudrait dénoncer le soi-disant pseudo organisateur de cette farce immonde pour lui donner une bonne lecon !!!

Dernière chose : Bravo aux enculés de chépers qui, non content de dépouiller une station service, ne se gênent même plus pour se shooter en public ... C'est le retour à l'état animal !!! Rien à voir avec l'idéal underground ... A bon entendeur.

Bonne continuation à vous tous quand même ... vivement "Perpignan"


I've beeen to Italian Tekni but I didn't like it: to much of silly guys, they didn' t understand the meaning of tekni, they were only interested in taking keta and speeed, the intent of being underground has completely failed, otherwise I'm italian I have to admit it: italian people is not good for tekni, they have transformed it into a trashy disco party, also the party around Italy during the week-end has not anymore the atmosphere of five years ago and nice posse like OQP, Ubik and so they are not comin' anymore. I hate it. I Wanna come to France this summer.


Ce reportage aussi sera mosaique ou ne sera pas ! Envoyez vos impressions, photos, videos ici

This report will be mozaic or not ! Send your feelings, photos, videos here

Other report with pictures about this teknival on Acid Drops site


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